Wednesday 9 April 2014

Health Benefits of Parsley

Parsley is not meant only for garnishing as what the common belief might be. Parsley has plenty of health benefits, so much that it can help you avoid some very serious health issues. Also, parsley has medicinal qualities – the reason why it is used as a medicinal herb in many countries. And you do not need copious amounts. Even a small amount used only as garnishing is enough to give you all the benefits it provides. Listed here are the 6 health benefits of parsley.
1. It contains antioxidants
Parsley is a rich source of antioxidants. It contains luteolin which is a flavonoid and it eradicates free radicals from your body. Luteolin also improves the metabolism of carbohydrates in your body. Parsley also contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are strong antioxidants.
2. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent
The luteolin found in parsley also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Parsley also contains Vitamin C which is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. They do not allow inflammatory diseases to get hold of your body and prevent osteoartharitis and pain in the joints of your bones.
3. It improves immunity
Parsley contains Vitamin A and Vitamin C which help to improve the overall immunity of your body. Vitamin C enables the production of collagen which helps to protect the connecting tissues of your muscles and helps maintain a healthy skin. It helps your body to combat diseases more easily and effectively.
4. It strengthens bones
Parsley contains Vitamin K which is responsible for the synthesis of a protein called osteocalcin which improves the density of your bones. Thus, parsley helps you to have stronger bones and teeth. It also prevents calcium to disrupt the normal functioning of your heart and help prevent heart related diseases.
5. It protects the heart
Our body produces an amino acid called homocysteine which can disrupt the normal functioning of your blood vessels. Parsley contains Vitamin B9 or folate which prevents homocysteine from being responsible for cardiovascular diseases. It converts homocysteine into simple molecules and thus protects you from heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular ailments.
6. It helps to avert cancer
An organic compound called myristicin is found in parsley which prevents cancerous tumors from developing in your body. Myristicin also activates an enzyme and helps neutralize certain harmful compounds which can result in prostate and colon cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Parsley contains a generous amount of Vitamin K (more than ghee!). In addition to its volatile oils, minerals, and other vitamins, the vitamin K can account for nearly every positive effect of parsley. How does it pack so much nutrition into its leaves? It contains tiny amounts of fat and sugar/starch, and a relatively small amount of "novel chemicals." Thus, there's more room for the regular vitamins and minerals. Diabetics and heart patients especially need this! And aged people!
