Tuesday 3 December 2013

Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia-fructus)

Karela is very common vegetable in our kitchen. It bears good medicinal values to regulate blood suger levels and urinary disorders. it is bitter in taste so called bitter melon which shows healing function on the blood.

Common name Bitter gourd (English), Bitter melon (English), Karella (Hindi) Sanskrit Karavella Latin Momordica charantia–Fructus immaturus (Cucurbitaceae family)


Rasa (taste) Bitter, pungent
Vırya (energy) Hot
Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Pungent
Guna (quality) Dry, light
Dosa effect VKP−
Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscle, fat
Srotas (channel) Digestive, water, excretory


Terpenoids Triterpene glycosides, momordicosides
Sterols Charantin, campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol

Hypoglycemic, carminative, vermifuge, bitter tonic, cholagogue, immune booster, purgative, diuretic, lithotriptic, alterative, vulnerary


Diabetes Karela has amazing anti diabetic properties. Charantin chemical in Karela is effective hypoglycaemica and effective than insulin without side effects. Bitter principle clears the kapha obstructing pancreatic function. Karela reduces blood and urine sugar doing insulin resistance.

Digestion Karela shows antihelmintic action in our gut. It also shows vermicidal effects of flushing bacteria and parasites. It reduces inflammation in the intestines. It is bitter in taste which also induce better digestion and absorption.

Urine Karela helps urinary system for better excretion. It effects water channels to clear kapha from the bodily system. It has formula for urinary system to affects urinary channels.

Skin Karela treatts inflammatory skin condition. it has detoxifying action to regulate pitta and clears bile toxins from the body.

Blood Karela has also specific action for the blood. It is good remedy for anaemia to build haemoglobin count by better absorption.


* Gurmar, fenugreek, trikatu, turmeric in diabetes.

* Manjishtha, bhumiamalaki, gokshura for urinary stones.

* Neem, garlic for worms.

* Amalaki in acidity and inflammation.

* Neem, manjishtha, kutki in skin disorders.


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