Monday 30 July 2012

Neem: Curing Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative diseases refer to the diseases which tend to deteriorate a certain organ or tissues of the body progressively over a period of time. It may happen owing to the regular bodily wear or a particular kind of lifestyle like eating habits etc. Generally such diseases can only be controlled and not cured completely. Apart from the various antibiotic drugs and medication there has been a long sought effective treatment of such diseases i.e the wonder plant 'Neem'. Neem has been identified as a safe and highly effective cure of various degenerative diseases like Diabetes, Arthritis, Rheumatism etc since ancient times. If we go by the Ayurveda history then we can easily register the importance of Neem and its various products for many such degenerative diseases. Owing to its healing and remedial properties, today Neem is extensively used in various pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing different Neem based medicines

Rishi Ayurveda 

Hospital & Research Centre.

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